Vert Shock Review – Will It Help With Your Vertical Leap?

Vert Shock REview

Product Overview: Vert Shock
Rating: 9.1 out of 10
Length of Program: 8 Weeks
Cost: $67 w/ Guarantee
Founded: 2014 by Adam Folker, Justin Darlington

In this review I am going to be talking about a program that’s been on the radar of athletes and those looking to amp’ up their vertical leap: Vert Shock. This jump program was crafted by Adam Folker and Justin ‘Jus Fly’ Darlington, and was built based on their years of vertical training, and a lot of “trial and error”.

In essence, it’s geared towards maximizing your vertical jump potential. Don’t worry too much about needing fancy equipment or a gym membership; this program is rooted in the simplicity of plyometric and bodyweight strength exercises. That is the beauty of it. And it’s all easy to absorb through high-quality videos designed to make your training as seamless as possible. Adam Folker lays out their strategy and approach within these videos, guided by the expertise Justin Darlington (whom has demonstrated in his electrifying dunks).

Vertshock intense 8-week training regiments have been used by “flight seekers’ since 2014, and it has been a popular program since. But does it deliver, and will it actually help you increase your vertical leap like they claim on their website? We are going to find out.

A Comprehensive Look at Vert Shock’s Effectiveness.

Vert Shock isn’t just about helping you jump higher; it’s also about a thorough transformation in athletic performance. I’m going to break down what makes it tick—the good, the bad, and everything in between. This section offers insight not only into the successes users might achieve but also into the areas where the program may fall short.

One of the standout positives of Vert Shock is the flood of personal stories shared by those who’ve given the program a shot. People aren’t shy about their gains, with some achieving remarkable improvements such as an 8-inch increase in their vertical jump. Having this kind of specific, personal feedback adds layers of credibility to the program’s claims.

The exercises within Vert Shock are clearly a hit. They’re well-explained, suitable for all fitness levels, and the best part? You don’t need expensive gym memberships or fancy equipment to get started. These factors combine to make the program approachable and doable for many.

However, an area that often goes under the radar is the inconsistency in reported results. There’s a lack of comprehensive, empirical data that could benchmark average expected gains. This isn’t really about doling out numbers for the sake of it—it’s about setting clear expectations for potential new joiners.

Adding to this is the somewhat generalized enthusiasm surrounding the program’s effectiveness. Personal experiences are invaluable, sure, but they don’t always paint a comprehensive picture. Without a wider look into a broader population’s experiences, it can be tough to gauge who the program works best for.

Another aspect that might give you pause is the review’s limited deep dive into the exercises and methodologies of Vert Shock. It talks about ‘what’ and ‘the outcome’ quite a bit, but doesn’t really address the ‘how’ and ‘why’. Understanding the rationale behind the exercise selection could help in appreciating the science of vertical jump training.

Lastly, there are mixed opinions about Vert Shock’s efficacy. While many have sung praises, there’s still a subset of users who feel less than satisfied, lending a dual perspective that could lead to confusion for those in search of definitive guidance.

And although Vert Shock seems to be safe for the majority, the review doesn’t touch upon the potential risks. The program is demanding and without guidance on how to approach it safely, individuals might be at risk of overtraining or injury. This isn’t about scaring anyone away—it’s about ensuring anyone who jumps in, so to speak, does so with their eyes wide open.

The Vert Shock Experience: A User’s Perspective.

Andy, a 29-year-old basketball enthusiast from Germany, dives into his experience with Vert Shock, setting the stage for understanding the program from a user’s standpoint. Before committing to Vert Shock, Andy had already cut his teeth on the Jump Manual program but still sought additional height on his vertical leap.

Embracing the program with a mix of hope and skepticism, Andy was initially taken aback by the professional presentation and the bold claims. However, what piqued his interest was the program’s money-back guarantee, which underscored a confidence in its effectiveness and lowered the perceived risk.

Throughout the 8-week regime, Andy encountered a workout schedule that was more demanding than he anticipated. Balancing multiple workouts per week, he slowly adapted and witnessed his body responding to the vigorous plyometric exercises and strength training that Vert Shock emphasizes.

The role of professional basketball player Adam Folker and the expertise of dunking legend Justin ‘Just Fly’ Darlington in the Vert Shock program is impossible to ignore. Andy found reassurance and motivation in their involvement, which added to the overall gravity and trustworthiness of the experience.

As the program unfolded, Andy’s story wasn’t without its challenges: there were moments of stagnation and the mental hurdle of maintaining consistent effort. Yet, with dedication, he saw a notable 8-inch improvement in his vertical, reaching a personal best of 37 inches. This firsthand account not only offers credibility to the review but underscores the potential for real results with Vert Shock.

Vert Shock’s Phases and Practicalities

VertShock Phases

Now, let’s take a closer look at what Vert Shock is really made of. It’s strategically divided into three phases: Pre-Shock, Shock, and Post-Shock. Each phase is distinct, meticulously designed to prep your body, enhance your explosive power, and then cement those gains for the long haul.

Phase 1: Pre-Shock Phase

The Pre-Shock phase is your introduction, a weeklong taste of what’s to come, and it sets the foundation for future growth. It’s during this time that you’re likely to notice the first changes in your jump height.

Phase 2: Shock Phase

Then comes the Shock phase, the program’s core, where the intensity ramps up for six weeks. This is where the magic happens, where the exercises focus fiercely on activating those all-important fast-twitch muscle fibers.

Phase 3: Post-Shock

Post-Shock phase is about muscle recovery and stabilization. It’s essentially the cool-down lap after a sprint. The goal? To make sure the gains you’ve worked hard for are here to stay. What I appreciate about Vert Shock is that each phase has a clear goal and a well-thought-out process to get you bouncing higher than ever before.

Now to the practical side of things. One of Vert Shock’s standout features is its accessibility. You don’t need a gym membership or bulky equipment to participate. All the exercises can be performed at home or any open space available to you. That’s a significant plus for everyone from busy students to budget-conscious athletes.

And let’s talk resources. With Vert Shock, every jump, every exercise is demonstrated in high-resolution videos. This isn’t just convenient—it’s crucial. Seeing exactly how each movement should look can be the difference between a decent vertical jump and one that gets noticed. Plus, Adam Folker’s tips are not just sprinkles on top; they’re like having a coach in your corner throughout the process.

The Concluding Verdict on the Vert Shock’s Program.

So, what’s the bottom line? I’ve walked you through the details, user experiences, and insights into the Vert Shock program. Will it revolutionize your vertical leap? It’s not a magic solution, but those ready to put in the work might just find it’s exactly what they need.

If you’re considering Vert Shock, think about commitment. It’s going to take dedication to the workouts and consistent effort to see a significant improvement. You can’t shy away from multiple tough training sessions a week. However, if you’re up for the challenge, the potential rewards are undeniable.

Let me be clear: despite the cons such as a lack of theoretical background and the initial investment, Vert Shock offers a structured path towards better athleticism. Not just in your vertical jump, but in quickness and dynamic basketball skills.

The cost, sitting at $67, may give some pause, but weigh it against the benefits and other expensive jumping shoes, or even hiring a personal training to help you with your fitness program. Andy’s experience, along with others, suggests that for those truly invested in upping their game and redefining their physical limits, Vert Shock is a worthy venture. Plus, it’s a one-time investment in your athletic development.

To wrap it up, Vert Shock isn’t a scam; it’s a well-thought-out program that puts the ball in your court. You’ll need to bring your A-game, but if you do, you just might be dunking in ways you never thought possible.

Is it worth it? If dunking or adding to your vertical is a serious goal for you—then yes, Vert Shock could be a game-changer. Click here to get rolling with the VertShock program and start working towards your vertical goals.

8 thoughts on “Vert Shock Review – Will It Help With Your Vertical Leap?”

  1. Hi Kyle,

    Thanks for the detailed review of the Vert Shock program! Your breakdown of the phases and Andy’s user experience were particularly insightful. One question: you mentioned the program requires no special equipment, which is great for someone like me without gym access. Can you share if there are any specific dietary recommendations or physical health prerequisites needed to begin this program?
    Thank you for your work and for sharing this review!


    • Good question Markshud.  While a certain diet isn’t required, carrying extra weight can certainly impact your vertical leap.  I always compare having an extra 5lbs of weight, to strapping on ankle weights and trying to jump with that.  A bad diet, will lead to excess weight on the body and you see those that are muscular or that are slight and with a low percentage of body fat, tend to be those that can elevate much higher.  

      And on the physical health side of things, if you are not fit and you are riddled with injuries it is going to be tough using the Vert Shock program.  If you are overweight, the first thing I recommend that you do is focus on cutting down some weight as that will naturally give you a boost in inches with your vertical leap.

  2. Hey Kyle, really appreciate your very thorough and honest review here. I’ve been looking at improving my dunking skills so I’ve been checking out this program. It seems to me to be legit. I don’t mind doing the work, and I understand that it takes lots of time so I’m willing to be patient. But I’m glad that you took the time to give an honest review about it. I think I’ll go ahead with it. I’ll let you know how it goes. Thanks a lot.

    • It is legit, and there is definitely a solid history with this product and lots of real results that folks are getting.  The fact that it is leveraging plyometric exercises, means that you are not going to need any special equipment as you will be using your bodyweight to condition your “leaping”muscles.  

      Go ahead, try it out, and if you get a chance make your way back here and offer your feedback and insights. 🙂

  3. Just last week my son came home with a wrist sprain which he got while playing basketball in school. Since it was a school-organized session, I wondered if their training sessions were properly managed and if there was enough expertise in the school. I was therefore happy to learn from your post that there are well-structured. easy-to-follow but effective do-it-at-home training programs like the Vert Shock program put together by true experts. Andy’s experience with the product was also quite reassuring. Another good thing about it is the money-back guarantee which speaks to the confidence these experts have in their program. Thank you for this insightful post.

    • Yeah, there are a lot of “at home” training programs these days, everything from proper play (which I help with on my website), skills development, and in this case, using your own body weight and exercises related to that, to training yourself to jump higher. 

      One thing I learned in the early years playing basketball (and through jump training), is that even a few inches can make a significant difference to your game, your ability to defend, and your ability to have explosive speed to the hoop.  

      I highly recommend that anyone interested in adding some inches to your vertical leap, and if you are somewhat self driven and motivated, you check out the VertShock program. As you said, they offer a full money-back guarantee if you do not see results. 

  4. Your review offers a thorough analysis of this vertical leap program, providing valuable insights into its effectiveness. Your detailed explanation of the program’s components, such as the pre-shock phase, shock phase, and post-shock phase, gives readers a clear understanding of what to expect. I particularly appreciate your inclusion of testimonials and results, as they provide real-life examples of the program’s impact. One question that comes to mind is, how does Vert Shock compare to other vertical leap programs in terms of effectiveness and ease of use?

    • Thanks Kiersti!  And in response to your questions, the beauty about the Vert Shock program is that it has had staying power within the vertical leap industry, there are lots of other products and services out there in this space.

      Plyometric programs are cost efficient as you are using just your body weight (which VertShock is), so you don’t need any extra equipment and this is something that you can do from home.  So that is another benefit to such programs.

      In saying this, there are several other products and programs in this space that I will be reviewing. 🙂


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